Take Control and Save Today

Cloud computing is great in that you can ramp up hundreds of instances with a click of a button. However, this capability presents a significant capacity challenge for providers.
Providers such as Google, AWS, and Microsoft are tasked with ensuring that they always have as much computing capacity as you need to use at any given moment. This results in cloud providers having unused capacity just waiting to be used.
Leveraging this excess in spare capacity is one of the most effective ways of significantly reducing your cloud spend. Leveraging this unused capacity can save you up to 80%, 60% more than time consuming CPU optimization tactics.

Traditionally, the risk of interruptions or a lack of SLA have limited the usability of spare capacity in this manner, with many customers hesitant to rely on a volatile resource pool such as this.
That is why we’ve partnered with Spotinist and their unique cloud-agnostic Elastigroup service. We work together to save you money and automate cloud resource usage by leveraging every dollar of savings available from your provider’s spare capacity while eradicating the risk factor altogether.

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Spotinist is designed to optimize costs and performance, enabling organizations of any size or scope to leverage cloud capacity reliably. We allow you to accelerate workloads, continuously optimize your cloud experience, and save up to 80% in infrastructure computing costs.

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Our Work Process

Elastigroup leverages spare capacity across AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud and reliably reduces complexity and eradicates risk, providing scaled management and orchestration abilities.


Save up to 80%

Effectively leverage excess capacity from your cloud provider to save significantly on your cloud spend.


Always On

If EC2 Spot instances are unavailable for whatever reason, our tool will make use of on-demand instanced and automatically revert to spot instances as soon as possible.


Utilize Your RIs

Discover all un-utilized reservations and prioritize reservations usage before spot instances.


Prediction Is Key

Take advantage of Elastigroup’s proprietary price prediction technology to rebalance clusters and prevent interruptions.

How Does It Work?

Elastigroup predicts capacity trends, pricing, EC2 spot behaviour, and the rate of interruptions 24/7 so that when there is a risk of an interruption, Elastigroup balances the capacity at least 15 minutes in advance to ensure 100% availability.
Elastigroup’s proprietary price prediction technology is capable of rebalancing clusters to prevent interruptions with reliably accuracy.
Elastigroup leverages spare capacity across AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud and reliably reduces complexity and eradicates risk, providing scaled management and orchestration abilities.
Elastigroup constantly analyzes applications and optimizes infrastructure in real-time, determining the best mix of server type, size, and lifecycle for your dynamic workloads. As a result, you will enjoy well-utilized and professionally optimized capacity leveraging that meets every changing demand and keeps costs low.

Building a Better,
Faster Future Together

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